International Yak Association
IYAK is the breeder's association for yak and maintains the registration Herd Book.
The annual member meeting is at the National Western Stock Show in Denver.
CattleMax Software
This is the software we use for our herd book. I highly recommend it.
Khampa Nomad Arts Cooperative
Based in and run out of Lhagang in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Region in western China, Chyoger Treks and Khampa Nomad Arts Cooperative are jointly owned and operated by Djarga Mira of Lhagang, and Angela Lankford, of Westcliffe, Colorado. They can provide you with authentic nomad articles including yak pack saddles and decorations.
YouTube Videos
The titles pretty much tell the story.
Super Wooly Yak Cow N023 Giving Birth
Yak Cow K011 Giving Birth
Royal Yak Cow Indira (Q032) cleaning her first calf, T152 Maureen
Newborn Yak Calf Being Cleaned
Yak Calves on Bottles
Skidding Logs with Dzo in Tibet
Modern Tibetan Nomad Camp
Audio Files
Yak Calves calling for their moms from the weaning pen.
A pen full of Yak Bulls boasting to each other through the fence.
A recording of a yak calf grunt that can be used in Windows as a notification sound. Make your computer grunt instead of beep.
Recommended movies to watch with links to Amazon.com
Set against some of the most spectacular scenery ever seen on film, Himalaya tells the story of a generational struggle for the leadership of a tiny mountain village between its proud old chief and a headstrong young caravaner. The balance of power shifts uneasily as they make their annual salt trek across the Himalayas. Filmed in Nepal, lots of yaks.
The Saltmen of Tibet
A documentary about a nomadic tribe in Tibet going out to a dry lake to get salt does not sound very appealing. But this is not a popcorn movie but a visual cultural feast whereby you partake of a rapidly vanishing morsel of humanity. The superstitions, the epic songs and poetry, the faith of a people who truly believe in following their own unique patterns of life are something the West had in the times of Homer but that is now, unfortunately, completely foreign to most of us in the "developed" world.
Tibet-Cry of the Snow Lion
Ten years in the making, this award-winning documentary was filmed during a remarkable nine journeys throughout Tibet, India and Nepal. CRY OF THE SNOW LION brings audiences to the long-forbidden "rooftop of the world" with an unprecedented richness of imagery… from rarely-seen rituals in remote monasteries, to horse races with Khamba warriors; from brothels and slums in the holy city of Lhasa, to the magnificent Himalayan peaks still traveled by nomadic yak caravans. The dark secrets of Tibet’s recent past are powerfully chronicled through riveting personal stories and interviews, and a collection of undercover and archival images never before assembled in one film. A definitive exploration of a legendary subject, TIBET: CRY OF THE SNOW LION is an epic story of courage and compassion.
In chronicling the life of the 14th Dalai Lama, Kundun defies conventional narrative in favor of an episodic approach, presenting a sequential flow of events from the life of the young leader of Buddhist Tibet. From the moment he is recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama in 1937 to his exile from Tibet in the wake of China's invasion, the Dalai Lama is seen as an enlightened spiritual figurehead. This gives the film its tone of serenity and reverence but denies us the privilege of admiring the Dalai Lama as a fascinating human character. There's a sense of mild detachment between the film and its audience, but its visual richness offers ample compensation. In close collaboration with cinematographer Roger Deakins, Scorsese filmed Kundun with great pageantry and ritual, and meticulous attention to details of costume, color, and the casting of actual Buddhist monks in the scenes at the Dalai Lama's palace. Certain images will linger in the memory for a long time, such as the Dalai Lama's nightmarish vision of standing among hundreds of dead monks, their lives sacrificed in pacifist defiance of Chinese aggression.
Grass: A Nation’s Battle for Life
A silent movie classic adventure by the makers of "King Kong." In 1924, neophyte filmmakers Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack hooked up with journalist and sometime spy Marguerite Harrison and set off to film an adventure. They found excitement, danger and unparalleled drama in the migration of the Bakhtiari tribe of Persia (now Iran). Twice a year, more than 50,000 people and half a million animals surmounted seemingly impossible obstacles to take their herds to pasture. The filmmakers captured unforgettable images of courage and determination as the Bakhtiari braved the raging and icy waters of the half-mile-wide Karun River. Cooper and Schoedsack almost froze when they filmed the breathtaking, almost unbelievable, sight of an endless river of men, women and children--their feet bare or wrapped in rags--winding up the side of the sheer, snow-covered rock face of the 15,000-foot-high Zardeh Kuh mountain.
Fiber related links
Going to the Sun Fiber Mill, right here in the Flathead Valley. This is where we get our fiber processed.
River Run Weaving in Huson Montana